Kuten niin monen muunkin tähden, myös Nana Starin lapsuus oli haastava ja täynnä välttämättömiä uhrauksia. Meksikon slummien kapeilla ja löyhkäävillä kujilla lapsuutensa viettänyt Nana Star menetti sekä molemmat vanhempansa että kaikki sormensa rikollisliigan periessä velkoja väärin perustein hänen ollessaan viisivuotias. Orpona ja hyljättynä hän etsi tarkoitusta olemassaololleen Mexico Cityn pimeiltä kujilta. Onnekseen hän tutustui työnsä liikalihavuuden takia menettäneeseen showpainijaan, joka otti orvon tytön valmennettavakseen. Loppu onkin historiaa. Sormeton Nana Star näyttää omalla esimerkillään kuinka vaikeuksien jälkeen noustaan voittoon!
Miss April is the lovely show wrestling star Nana Star straight from Mexico! Like so many other stars, also Nana Star's childhood was challenging and full of necessary sacrifices. Nana Star spent her childhood in the Mexican slums and lost not only her both parents, but also all of her fingers to the local gangsters' wrongful debt claims, when she was five years old. Orphaned, abandoned, she looked for a meaning for her existence on the dark alleys of Mexico City. Fortunately, she befriended a show wrestler who had lost his job due to obesity, and he took the poor orphan as his trainee. The rest is history. The fingerless Nana Star is a great example on how through hardships, you can rise to victory!
Miss April is the lovely show wrestling star Nana Star straight from Mexico! Like so many other stars, also Nana Star's childhood was challenging and full of necessary sacrifices. Nana Star spent her childhood in the Mexican slums and lost not only her both parents, but also all of her fingers to the local gangsters' wrongful debt claims, when she was five years old. Orphaned, abandoned, she looked for a meaning for her existence on the dark alleys of Mexico City. Fortunately, she befriended a show wrestler who had lost his job due to obesity, and he took the poor orphan as his trainee. The rest is history. The fingerless Nana Star is a great example on how through hardships, you can rise to victory!

Alter Ego of the Month esittelee kuukausittain mieleenpainuvan, klassisen elämäntarinan.
Samaistutko kenties Nana Stariin, joka nousi vaikeuksien kautta voittoon vai sykkiikö sydämesi yhtä villisti kuin voodoopapitar Rosalinda Exotican, jonka tapaat ensi kuussa?
Tutustu ja ihastu!
Alter Ego of the Month is a monthly showcase of classic, memorable life stories. Perhaps you identify with Nana Star, who rose to victory after terrible hardships, or does your heart beat as wildly as that of voodoo priestess Rosalinda Exotica, whom you'll meet next month?
Wait and fall in love!
Samaistutko kenties Nana Stariin, joka nousi vaikeuksien kautta voittoon vai sykkiikö sydämesi yhtä villisti kuin voodoopapitar Rosalinda Exotican, jonka tapaat ensi kuussa?
Tutustu ja ihastu!
Alter Ego of the Month is a monthly showcase of classic, memorable life stories. Perhaps you identify with Nana Star, who rose to victory after terrible hardships, or does your heart beat as wildly as that of voodoo priestess Rosalinda Exotica, whom you'll meet next month?
Wait and fall in love!