Sini Valas oli aina tiennyt olevansa erityinen. Koulussa häntä kiusattiin hänen nimensä, suuren kokonsa ja sinertävän ihonvärinsä takia. Tätä oli jatkunut jo niin pitkään, että Sini tunsi olevansa ihka oikea valas ja hänen suurin haaveensa olikin päästä lajinvaihdosleikkaukseen. Hän oli jopa lainannut kirjastosta Valaiden laulu -cd:n ja opetellut itsekin kommunikoimaan heidän kanssaan. Aivan pienenä Sini oli pelännyt kuollakseen vettä, mutta vuosien karttuessa vesi muodostui hänelle pakkomielteeksi. Tämä erityislaatuinen oire esti häneltä normaalin nuoren naisen arjen; jo teini-ikäisenä Sini vietti aikansa mieluiten uimahallissa. Toisinaan hän aiheutti unissaan vanhempiensa kerrostaloasuntoon vesivahingon, koska yritti saada aikaan valtamerellisen tunnelman. 22-vuotiaana Sinin oli tunnustettava vihdoin vanhemmilleen, etteivät evättömät pojat kiinnostaneet häntä ja hän päätyikin suoraan psykiatrin vastaanotolle. Psykiatrin mukaan Sini kuitenkin oli oirettaan lukuunottamatta täysin terve.
Opiskeltuaan vuoden meribiologiaa Turun yliopistossa, hän tutustui professoriin, joka oli erityisen kiinnostunut merinisäkkäiden lajimutaatioista. Sini osallistui innokkaana tutkimukseen, jossa hänelle rakennettiin erityinen allasasunto, jonne luotiin merellinen ekosysteemi Siniä varten. Sini ei ollut koskaan ollut niin onnellinen. Tällä hetkellä Sini odottaa lajinvaihdosleikkausta ja onkin törmännyt sen tiimoilta erilaisuutta ymmärtämättömiin ihmisiin. Sinin mukaan valaat suhtautuvat asiaan huomattavasti rennommin. Sini Valaan rohkea taistelu erilaisten eläinoikeuksien puolesta jatkukoon!
Blue Whale had always know that she was special. She was bullied at school because of her name, big size and blueish skin tone. This had gone on long enough for Blue to feel like an actual whale and her greatest dream became a species change operation. She had even borrowed a whale song cd from the library and learnt to communicate with whales. As a small child, Blue had had a mortal fear of water, but as the years went by, she became obsessed with it. This peculiar symptom prevent her from having a normal youth and as a teenaged she spent most of her time by the pool. From time to time she caused water damage to her parents' apartment, as she tried to create an oceanic atmosphere while asleep. At 22 she confessed to her parents that she wasn't interested in boys without fins, and Blue ended up seeing a shrink. But according to the shrink, she was completely healthy besides this one obsession.
Blue Whale had always know that she was special. She was bullied at school because of her name, big size and blueish skin tone. This had gone on long enough for Blue to feel like an actual whale and her greatest dream became a species change operation. She had even borrowed a whale song cd from the library and learnt to communicate with whales. As a small child, Blue had had a mortal fear of water, but as the years went by, she became obsessed with it. This peculiar symptom prevent her from having a normal youth and as a teenaged she spent most of her time by the pool. From time to time she caused water damage to her parents' apartment, as she tried to create an oceanic atmosphere while asleep. At 22 she confessed to her parents that she wasn't interested in boys without fins, and Blue ended up seeing a shrink. But according to the shrink, she was completely healthy besides this one obsession.
After having studied marine biology for one year at Turku university, Blue met a professor who was especially interested in the mutations of marine mammals. Blue took part in an experiment where she lived in a special pool environment with a marine ecosystem built for her. She had never been that happy. Currently Blue is waiting for a species change operation and has met many prejudiced people that don't seem to understand her. She says that whales are much more understanding. So shall the fight for a different kind of animal right continue!

Alter Ego of the Month esittelee kuukausittain mieleenpainuvan, klassisen elämäntarinan. Löydä samaistumiskohteesi alter egojen joukosta ja omaksu vaikka upouusi identiteetti!

Alter Ego of the Month esittelee kuukausittain mieleenpainuvan, klassisen elämäntarinan. Löydä samaistumiskohteesi alter egojen joukosta ja omaksu vaikka upouusi identiteetti!
Tutustu ja ihastu!
Alter Ego of the Month showcases memorable, classic life stories. Find your identical twin amidst the alter egos or find a new identity!
Read and fall in love!
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